myself. I have just about read everything on the subject and have determined that clincial help has not been successful for most Tvs. I want to get involved with a chapter for the purpose of a further understanding of crossdressing. Also, I want to try to help my wife understand transvestism. I don't feel it is a pro- blem any longer, but it is a situation that I must deal with SO I can live without daily anxiety and frustration. (Fred, Columbus, Ohio)

This is one of the best books con- cerning Transvestism and is especially valuable since it is written by a pro-


fessional in the field. It is very up-to- A handbook


For those who like the scientific findings about Transvestism, it is suggested that you get a copy of this new book. It is enlightening, easy to read, satisfying, vindicating, and sheds much light on what has been done, research-wise, over the years regarding Transvestism.

A noteworthy quote: "It seems

with case

studies for



and Counsellors

that in Transvestism, we have a fairly uncharted area of human behavior. It is a condition that appears to be by no means rare, but because it is essentially secretive, it is ysyally practiced or perhaps 'suffered' in privacy. There is nothing to indicate that Transvestism in itself can be properly regarded as an illness or neurosis......... On the contrary, it looks as if the weight of present evidence is towards Transvestism being associated with achieving and able individuals rather than the reverse.”

This book can be published through CHEVALIER PUBLICA- TIONS at $15.25. Use the order form in the rear of this issue. The writer is H' Brierley, a Consulting Clinical Psychologist.
